Feedback and complaints

Feedback including compliments and complaints are welcomed, and we are grateful for any input. It gives us the opportunity to improve. All feedback will be responded to with respect and in confidence. If you prefer to remain anonymous you can, we just won’t be able to respond to you.  

No one is adversely affected as a result of providing feedback.

How to make a complaint

To provide feedback you can: 

  1.     Email
  2.     Speak directly with your Support Coordinator.  
  3.     Call us on 0492818050 
  4.     Complete a complaints form

If we can’t help you, we will try to refer you to someone who can.

If you make a complaint and it has not been resolved to your satisfaction; you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission: 

NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission
1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677

Victorian Disability Worker Commission 1800497 132

You can also make a compliant directly to the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission, Victorian Disability Worker Commission  or an advocacy organisation.

Responding to Incidents

What is an incident?

An incident is defined as an act, omission, event or circumstance that have or are alleged to have occurred in connection with providing NDIS supports or services to a person with disability

Why do we report Incidents:

  • We are contractually and legally require to report incidents
  • To learn and if possible prevent incidents from occurring again
  • To help us improve our service and support participants

ALL clients incidents must be reported and recorded

All staff of We R Collective are responsible to report incidents

We encourage you to discus and report incidents to us so we can improve our services. Your support will not be affected if you report an incident to us.

Conflict of Interest

Is a situation where WRC would derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made by the participant

We will support you to make choices about the services you receive by providing information about several services that will support your needs. We will inform you about costs, benefits and risks of these services. 

We will declare a conflict of interest we have with the services we have recommended to you.